Monday, September 23, 2013

My Environmental Poster

My poster shows the beauty of our Mother Nature and saving it in a protected area. We should preserve its beauty and help it to thrive for our own good. We should also avoid overusing nature's resources because this will affect the whole environment in different parts of the world.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Post by Alain Vincent E. Mindaña

Post by Brad Urgel

Post by Marr Voltaire Bricia

Environmental By Jerard Andres I-SMA

My Environmental Poster shows that we should keep our surrounding clean,avoid any harmful object that can destroy/affect mother earth and place our trash in the designated container and dispose it properly so that in the future the kids who are alive now will continue to take care of the Earth.

My Environmental Poster - Stanley F. Noguchi CLE

My Environmental Poster shows that we should love and care our home planet because if we don't take care our home planet it suffer many problems like pollution, global warming and other disaster that can affect the living of many people that live in the world. We should stop all the wrong doings of mankind that may destroy Earth because if we don't stop all the wrong doings of mankind that will affect the life forms on Earth we will suffer a lot in the near future. We should love our home planet because this planet is the only one in the whole universe known to mankind that can support life so we should take care of our home planet that is called Earth.

I-SMA, 20, Gerardo Angelo A. Panopio                                                                                          CLE 

Poster Explanation:
     My poster shows the environment, represented by the globe, being carried from the effects and causes of pollution. It shows that we can be one of the people trying to help and save it from destruction and pollution. Different representations of pollution in the picture are: liquid waste, trash, and air pollution coming from smoking and belching. All in all this drawing shows people saving the environment from pollution and preventing further damage to it.

Hi sample lang to


Hello I-SMA! So this is our blog for the whole school year! Hope you enjoy it ;)